
Trickortreat.Smellmyfeet.Givemesomethinggoodtoeat.Nottoobig.Nottoosmall.GivemesomeandIwillleave.,Trickortreat.Smellmyfeet.Givemesomethinggoodtoeat.Nottoobig.Nottoosmall.GivemesomeandIwillleave.,Knockknock,trickortreat?Whoareyou?I'mavampire.I'malittlevampire.Knockknock,trickortreat?Whoareyou?I'masuperhero.I'malittlesuper ...,Trickortreat?Givemesomethingsourtoeat.Lemons,grapefruits,limessogreen....

1 年級歌詞Trick or treat

Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. Not too big. Not too small. Give me some and I will leave.

2 年級歌詞Trick or treat

Trick or treat. Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. Not too big. Not too small. Give me some and I will leave.

Knock Knock, Trick Or Treat? 歌詞Super Simple Learning ...

Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you? I'm a vampire. I'm a little vampire. Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you? I'm a super hero. I'm a little super ...

Trick or treat! 歌詞The Traditional ※

Trick or treat? Give me something sour to eat. Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green. Happy Halloween. Trick or treat? Trick or treat? Give me something good to ...


Trick or Treat 作詞:Kamikaze Boy・Jean-Ken Johnny 作曲:Kamikaze Boy There is no need for ID Come and see what you believe This night's the party ladies ...

萬聖節遊街念謠歌曲~~trick or treat - 如來神掌

2013年10月23日 — trick or treat歌詞如下. Trick or treat Smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. Ghosts and witches, goblins too.

不給糖就搗蛋|給我點好東西吃|萬聖節歌曲(Trick Or Treat

2021年1月13日 — 不給糖就搗蛋|給我點好東西吃|萬聖節歌曲(Trick Or Treat | Give Me Something Good To Eat | Halloween Song). 1235 65. Shin-Yu Tu 發佈於2021 年01 ...

Knock Knock, Trick or Treat?-歌詞

Knock Knock, Trick or Treat?-歌詞-Knock knock, trick or treat? Who are you? I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost. Knock knock, trick or treat? Who .